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Verbatim Transcriptions

We offer a full transcribing service, tailored to your needs. There are varying levels of service available to choose from, as described below:

True Verbatim:

Every word is transcribed exactly as spoken, so this includes false starts and repetitions, all the ums and ers, as well as coughs and sneezes. There is also reference to other noises - cups rattling, chair squeaks, or passing traffic, for example.

"Um, I, I, I'll go and er, and er get the letter ... um, the letter from the Council (doorbell rings) and that will have the details, you know, the details (sound of distant voices as door is answered) of the planning application (coughs) ... excuse me, the planning application for the new village hall."

Intelligent Verbatim:

In this version, anything which doesn't add meaning to the script is intelligently removed. Some of the ums and ers will remain as they show hesitation on the part of the speaker. The above quote would then look like this:

"I'll go and er get the letter ... um, the letter from the Council and that will have the details, you know, the details of the planning application for the new village hall."

Commercial Verbatim:

The script is edited for clarity so that it is easy to read.

"I'll go and get the letter from the Council and that will have the details of the planning application for the new village hall."


As an alternative to a full transcript we can also supply a synopsis of your material. 

The form that the synopsis takes could be a sentence describing the content of a question and answer in an interview:

"Interviewee describes the events which followed the bus crash."

Or it could be a more detailed précis:

"Interviewee describes the silence following the bus crash, which was broken by the arrival of ambulances and fire engines. The casualties were taken away and a replacement bus took the rest of the passengers on their journey. It was three hours before the road was cleared."




Post Production Scripts

We also offer a Post Production Script service. Prices vary according to the level of service you require which can include audio, timecodes, shots, music, captions and graphics.



Telephone: +44 (0)117 924 8815

Fax: +44 (0)117 924 5505

e-mail: info@allyouneedisears.co.uk